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UFR de Pharmacie- Université de Rennes 1


Nom :    PORÉE

Prénom : François-Hugues

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Equipe de recherche

  •  Intitulé : ISCR UMR CNRS 6226, équipe CORINT
  •  Numéro : UMR CNRS 6226
  • Thématiques : Chimie Organique et Interfaces

Mots clés : chimie médicinale, synthèse totale, produits naturels, interactions protéine-protéine, cancer


Principales publications

  1. SHEN, F.-H. PORÉE, T. GASLONDE, H. LALUCQUE, F. CHAPELAND-LECLERC, G. RUPRICH-ROBERT. "Functional characterization of the sterigmatocystin secondary metabolite gene cluster in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina: involvement in oxidative stress response, sexual development, pigmentation and interspecific competitions" Environmental Microbiology, 2019, DOI 10.1111/1462-2920.14698.
  2. E. CHIRKIN, C. BOUZIDI, F.-H. PORÉE. "Tungsten-Promoted Hetero-Pauson–Khand Cycloaddition: Application to the Total Synthesis of (–)-Allosecurinine". Synthesis 2019, 51, 2001-2006.
  3. E. CHIRKIN, S. MICHEL, F.-H. PORÉE. "Viability of a [2 + 2 + 1] Hetero-Pauson−Khand Cycloaddition Strategy toward Securinega Alkaloids: Synthesis of the BCD-Ring Core of Securinine and Related Alkaloids". J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 6525-6528.
  4. L. DONATI, P. LEPROUX, E. PROST, S. MICHEL, F. TILLEQUIN, V. GANDON, F.-H. PORÉE. "Solvent/Base Effects in the Selective Domino Synthesis of Phenanthridinones That Involves High-Valent Palladium Species: Experimental and Theoretical Studies". Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 12809-12819.
  5. C. GENÈS, G. LENGLET, S. DEPAUW, R. NHILI, S. PRADO, M.-H. DAVID-CORDONNIER, S. MICHEL, F. TILLEQUIN, F.-H. PORÉE. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of N-substituted benzo[c]phenanthrolines and benzo[c] phenanthrolinones as antiproliferative agents". Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 46, 2117-2131.

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