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UFR des Sciences Pharmaceutiques de Lille



Prénom : Nicolas

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Equipe de recherche 

Intitulé : équipe "Brain Biology and Chemistry", Lille Neuroscience and Cognition

Inserm UMR-S1172  

Thématiques : maladies neurologiques, santé mentale et neuroendocrinologie

Mots clés : Chimie médicinale, Drug Design, chimie hétérocyclique, interaction protéine-protéine, biophysique, SIRT1, LRRK2, TEAD


Principales publications

  1. MARCHAND A, SARCHIONE A, ATHANASOPOULOS PS, BAUDERLIQUE-LE ROY H, GOVEAS L, MAGNEZ R, DROUYER M, EMANUELE M, HO FY, LIBERELLE M, MELNYK P, LEBEGUE N, THURU X, NICHOLS RJ, GREGGIO E, KORTHOLT A, GALLI T, CHARTIER-HARLIN MC, TAYMANS JM. “A Phosphosite Mutant Approach on LRRK2 Links Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation to Protective and Deleterious Markers, Respectively”. Cells, 2022, 11(6):1018.
  2. STOUP, N.; LIBERELLE, M.; SCHULZ, C.; CAVDARLI, S.; VASSEUR, R.; MAGNEZ, R.; LAHDAOUI, F.; SKRYPEK, N.; PERETTI, F.; FRÉNOIS, F.; THURU, X.; MELNYK, P.; RENAULT, N.; JONCKHEERE, N.; LEBEGUE N.; VAN SEUNINGEN, I. “The EGF domains of MUC4 oncomucin mediate HER2 binding affinity and promote pancreatic cancer cell tumorigenesis”. Cancers 2021, 13:5746.
  3. Stoup, N.; Liberelle, M.; Schulz, C.; Cavdarli, S.; Vasseur, R.; Magnez, R.; Lahdaoui, F.; Skrypek, N.; Peretti, F.; Frénois, F.; Thuru, X.; Melnyk, P.; Renault, N.; Jonckheere, N.; Lebegue N.; Van seuningen, I. The EGF domains of MUC4 oncomucin mediate HER2 binding affinity and promote pancreatic cancer cell tumorigenesis. Cancers 2021, 13, 5746.
  4. LIBERELLE M, JONCKHEERE N, MELNYK P, Van SEUNINGEN I, LEBÈGUE N. "EGF-Containing Membrane-Bound Mucins: A Hidden ErbB2 Targeting Pathway?" J Med Chem. 2020 63(10):5074-5088.
  5. LIBERELLE M, MAGNEZ R, THURU X, BENCHEIKH Y, RAVEZ S, QUENON C, DRUCBERT AS, FOULON C, MELNYK P, Van SEUNINGEN I, LEBÈGUE N. "MUC4-ErbB2 Oncogenic Complex: Binding studies using Microscale Thermophoresis". Sci Rep. 2019 9(1):16678
  6. PIRAT C, DACQUET C, LECLERC V, HENNUYER N, BEUCHER-GAUDIN M, ZANIRATO G, GÉANT A, STAELS B, KTORZA A, FARCE A, CAIGNARD DH, BERTHELOT P, LEBEGUE N. "Anti-diabetic activity of fused PPARγ-SIRT1 ligands with limited body-weight gain by mimicking calorie restriction and decreasing SGK1 expression" Eur J Med Chem. 2017 Sep 8;137:310-326. 
  7. SEGAOULA Z, LECLERCQ J, VERONES V, FLOUQUET N, LECOEUR M, ACH L, RENAULT N, BARCZYK A, MELNYK P, BERTHELOT P, THURU X, LEBEGUE N. "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenylamino)-pyridin-3-yl]-4-methoxy-benzenesulfonamide (ABT-751) Tricyclic Analogues as Antimitotic and Antivascular Agents with Potent in Vivo Antitumor Activity". J Med Chem. 2016 59(18):8422-40.
  8. PIRAT C, FARCE A, LEBÈGUE N, RENAULT N, FURMAN C, MILLET R, YOUS S, SPECA S, BERTHELOT P, DESREUMAUX P, CHAVATTE P. "Targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): development of modulators". J Med Chem. 2012 55(9):4027-61

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