UFR : Faculté de Pharmacie de Lille
Prénom : Rebecca
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Equipe de recherche
- Intitulé : Médicaments et Molécules pour les Systèmes Vivants
- Numéro : U1177
- Thématiques : inhibiteurs de métalloprotéases pour le cancer, les maladies métaboliques et auto-immunes
Mots-clés : métalloprotéases, drug-design, ADME, screening, IDE, ERAP
Principales publications
- Hermant, P., Bosc, D., Piveteau, C., Gealageas, R., Lam, B. V., Ronco, C., Roignant, M., Tolajanahary, H., Jean, L., Renard, P.-Y., Lemdani, M., Bourotte, M., Herledan, A., Bedart, C., Biela, A., Leroux, F., Deprez, B., Deprez-Poulain, R. Controlling Plasma Stability of Hydroxamic Acids: A MedChem Toolbox. J. Med. Chem., 2017, 60(21): 9067–9089. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01444
- Zhang, Z., Liang, W. G., Bailey, L. J., Tan, Y. Z., Wei, H., Wang, A., Farcasanu, M., Woods, V. A., McCord, L. A., Lee, D., Shang, W., Deprez-Poulain, R., Deprez, B., Liu, D. R., Koide, A., Koide, S., Kossiakoff, A. A., Li, S., Carragher, B., Potter, C. S., & Tang, W.-J. Ensemble cryoEM elucidates the mechanism of insulin capture and degradation by human insulin degrading enzyme. eLife, 2018, 7: e33572. 10.7554/eLife.33572
- Montaigne, D., Marechal, X., Modine, T., Coisne, A., Mouton, S., Fayad, G., Ninni, S., Klein, C., Ortmans, S., Seunes, C., Potelle, C., Berthier, A., Gheeraert, C., Piveteau, C., Deprez-Poulain, R., Eeckhoute, J., Duez, H., Lacroix, D., Deprez, B., Jegou, B., Koussa, M., Edme, J. L., Lefebvre, P., & Staels, B. Daytime variation of perioperative myocardial injury in cardiac surgery and its prevention by Rev-Erbalpha antagonism: a single-centre propensity-matched cohort study and a randomised study. The Lancet, 2017, 391(10115): 59–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(17)32132-3
- Bosc, D., Jakhlal, J., Deprez, B., Deprez-Poulain, R. Kinetic target-guided synthesis in drug discovery and chemical biology: a comprehensive facts and figures survey. Future Med. Chem., 2016, 8(4): 381-404. http://dx.doi.org/10.4155/fmc-2015-0007
- Deprez-Poulain, R., Nathalie, H., Bosc, D., Liang, W. G., Enee, E., Marechal, X., Julie, C., Totobenazara, J., Berte, G., Jakhlal, J., Verdelet, T., Dumont, J., Dassonneville, S., Woitrain, E., Gauriot, M., Paquet, C., Duplan, I., Hermant, P., Cantrelle, F.-X., Sevin, E., Culot, M., Landry, V., Herledan, A., Piveteau, C., Lippens, G., Florence, L., Tang, W. J., Van Endert, P., Staels, B., Deprez, B. Catalytic site inhibition of insulin-degrading enzyme by a small molecule induces glucose intolerance in mice. Nature Commun., 2015, 6 (Article number 9250). http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms9250