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UFR : Faculté de Pharmacie de Lille



Prénom : Rebecca

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Equipe de recherche

  • Intitulé : Médicaments et Molécules pour les Systèmes Vivants
  • Numéro : U1177
  • Thématiques : inhibiteurs de métalloprotéases pour le cancer, les maladies métaboliques et auto-immunes

Mots-clés : métalloprotéases, drug-design, ADME, screening, IDE, ERAP


Principales publications

  1. Hermant, P., Bosc, D., Piveteau, C., Gealageas, R., Lam, B. V., Ronco, C., Roignant, M., Tolajanahary, H., Jean, L., Renard, P.-Y., Lemdani, M., Bourotte, M., Herledan, A., Bedart, C., Biela, A., Leroux, F., Deprez, B., Deprez-Poulain, R. Controlling Plasma Stability of Hydroxamic Acids: A MedChem Toolbox. J. Med. Chem., 2017, 60(21): 9067–9089.
  2. Zhang, Z., Liang, W. G., Bailey, L. J., Tan, Y. Z., Wei, H., Wang, A., Farcasanu, M., Woods, V. A., McCord, L. A., Lee, D., Shang, W., Deprez-Poulain, R., Deprez, B., Liu, D. R., Koide, A., Koide, S., Kossiakoff, A. A., Li, S., Carragher, B., Potter, C. S., & Tang, W.-J. Ensemble cryoEM elucidates the mechanism of insulin capture and degradation by human insulin degrading enzyme. eLife, 2018, 7: e33572. 10.7554/eLife.33572
  3. Montaigne, D., Marechal, X., Modine, T., Coisne, A., Mouton, S., Fayad, G., Ninni, S., Klein, C., Ortmans, S., Seunes, C., Potelle, C., Berthier, A., Gheeraert, C., Piveteau, C., Deprez-Poulain, R., Eeckhoute, J., Duez, H., Lacroix, D., Deprez, B., Jegou, B., Koussa, M., Edme, J. L., Lefebvre, P., & Staels, B. Daytime variation of perioperative myocardial injury in cardiac surgery and its prevention by Rev-Erbalpha antagonism: a single-centre propensity-matched cohort study and a randomised study. The Lancet, 2017, 391(10115): 59–69.
  4. Bosc, D., Jakhlal, J., Deprez, B., Deprez-Poulain, R. Kinetic target-guided synthesis in drug discovery and chemical biology: a comprehensive facts and figures survey. Future Med. Chem., 2016, 8(4): 381-404.
  5. Deprez-Poulain, R., Nathalie, H., Bosc, D., Liang, W. G., Enee, E., Marechal, X., Julie, C., Totobenazara, J., Berte, G., Jakhlal, J., Verdelet, T., Dumont, J., Dassonneville, S., Woitrain, E., Gauriot, M., Paquet, C., Duplan, I., Hermant, P., Cantrelle, F.-X., Sevin, E., Culot, M., Landry, V., Herledan, A., Piveteau, C., Lippens, G., Florence, L., Tang, W. J., Van Endert, P., Staels, B., Deprez, B. Catalytic site inhibition of insulin-degrading enzyme by a small molecule induces glucose intolerance in mice. Nature Commun., 2015, 6 (Article number 9250).

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